matador Namespace Reference

The Open Object Store namespace. More...


namespace  detail
 Detail namespace of the open object store.


class  acceptor
class  address
class  any
 Simple any class. More...
class  any_visitor
 An any visitor class. More...
class  bad_optional_access
class  base64
 Base64 encode and decode class. More...
class  basic_container
class  basic_dialect
 Abstract base class for a concrete sql dialect. More...
class  basic_file_sink
 A base class for file stream based sinks. More...
class  basic_identifier
class  basic_json_mapper
 A base class for all kind of json mapping. More...
class  basic_object_store_observer
class  basic_sql_logger
 Base class for sql logging. More...
class  basic_table
 Base class for kind of tables. More...
class  buffer
class  buffer_view
 Cursor based string buffer. More...
struct  column
 Represents a database column. More...
struct  columns
 Represents a list of database columns. More...
class  condition< column, detail::basic_query >
 Condition class representing an IN condition. More...
class  condition< column, std::initializer_list< V > >
 Condition class representing an IN condition. More...
class  condition< column, std::pair< T, T > >
 Between condition. More...
class  condition< condition< L, R >, void >
 Logical unary condition. More...
class  condition< condition< L1, R1 >, condition< L2, R2 > >
 Logical binary condition. More...
class  connection
 The connection class represents a connection to a database. More...
struct  connection_info
class  connector
class  const_container_iterator
 Represents a const has many iterator. More...
class  const_json_iterator
 An iterator for json array and objects. More...
class  const_tree_iterator
class  const_tree_iterator_base
class  const_tree_leaf_iterator
class  const_tree_sibling_iterator
class  const_tree_subtree_iterator
class  container
 Has many relation class using a std::vector as container. More...
class  container_iterator
 Represents a has many iterator. More...
struct  data_type_traits
 Type traits for database types. More...
class  database_error
 Thrown by db backend containing all available error information's. More...
class  date
 This class provides simple date representation. More...
struct  date_format
struct  dialect_traits
class  factory
 A generic factory class. More...
class  fdset
class  field
 Describes a database column field. More...
class  field_attributes
class  file
class  file_sink
 A file sink writeing log message to one file. More...
class  generic_json_parser
 Parses a json string providing callbacks for json syntax. More...
class  handler
class  html
class  identifiable_holder
class  identifier
class  io_service
class  io_stream
class  json
 This class represents either a json value an object or an array. More...
class  json_exception
 Exception representing json errors. More...
class  json_format
class  json_iterator
 An iterator for json array and objects. More...
class  json_mapper
class  json_object_mapper
class  json_parser
 Parse a json formatted stream or string. More...
class  leader_follower_thread_pool
class  library
 Helps to load and unload external libraries. More...
class  log_domain
 Connection to a set of log sinks. More...
class  log_manager
 Manages all log domains. More...
class  log_sink
 Base class for all log sinks. More...
class  logger
 logger to write log messages to log domains More...
class  null_sql_logger
struct  null_type_t
class  object_exception
 An serializable exception class. More...
class  object_holder
 Base class for the object pointer and reference class. More...
class  object_ptr
 The object_ptr holds a pointer to an serializable. More...
class  object_store
 A class that stores all kind of objects. More...
class  object_view
 Create a view for a concrete serializable type. More...
class  optional
class  peer_base
class  persistence
 Represents the persistence layer for a database and an object_store. More...
class  prototype_node
 Holds the prototype of a concrete serializable. More...
class  query
 Creates a SQL query. More...
class  reactor
 Implementation of the reactor pattern. More...
class  result
 Represents a sql query result. More...
class  rotating_file_sink
 A rotating log file sink. More...
class  row
 Row representation. More...
class  schema
class  select_fdsets
class  sequencer
 Interface to create and get unique sequence numbers. More...
class  serializer
 A base class to serialize objects. More...
class  session
 Represents a session to a database. More...
class  singleton
 Provides only one instance of a type. More...
class  socket_acceptor
class  socket_base
class  socket_stream
class  sql_exception
 An serializable exception class. More...
class  sql_logger
class  statement
class  stderr_sink
 Log sink writing to stderr. More...
class  stdout_sink
 Log sink writing to stdout. More...
class  stream
class  stream_handler
class  string_cursor
class  table
class  table< T, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_base_of< basic_has_many_to_many_item, T >::value >::type >
 Represents a database table. More...
class  tcp
class  test_suite
 The container for all unit tests. More...
class  thread_pool
class  time
 Simple time class with milliseconds. More...
struct  time_format
class  transaction
 This class provides the transaction mechanism. More...
class  tree
 A STL like tree class. More...
class  tree_iterator
class  tree_iterator_base
class  tree_leaf_iterator
class  tree_sibling_iterator
class  tree_subtree_iterator
struct  type_traits
struct  type_traits< object_ptr< ObjectType > >
struct  type_traits< varchar< Size > >
class  typed_object_store_observer
 Base class for typed object observer classes. More...
class  udp
class  unit_exception
 Unit exception class thrown on a unit test assert definition. More...
class  unit_test
 A unit_test consists of serveral tests. More...
struct  value_type_traits
struct  value_type_traits< Type, typename std::enable_if< is_builtin< Type >::value >::type >
struct  value_type_traits< Type, typename std::enable_if<!is_builtin< Type >::value >::type >
class  varchar
class  variable
 Holds the functor to a method. More...
class  version


using sink_ptr = std::shared_ptr< log_sink >
typedef std::shared_ptr< action > action_ptr
typedef std::vector< action_ptrt_action_vector
typedef std::shared_ptr< detail::token > token_ptr
typedef std::list< token_ptrtoken_list_t
typedef std::shared_ptr< sequencer_impl > sequencer_impl_ptr


enum class  log_level {
enum  protocol_family { V4 , V6 }
enum class  event_type : unsigned {
  NONE_MASK = 0 , READ_MASK = 1 << 0 , WRITE_MASK = 1 << 1 , EXCEPT_MASK = 1 << 2 ,
enum class  t_build_options { empty = 0 << 0 , with_quotes = 1 << 0 , with_type = 1 << 1 , with_value = 1 << 2 }
enum struct  t_query_command {
enum struct  data_type {
  type_char = 0 , type_short , type_int , type_long ,
  type_long_long , type_unsigned_char , type_unsigned_short , type_unsigned_int ,
  type_unsigned_long , type_unsigned_long_long , type_float , type_double ,
  type_bool , type_char_pointer , type_varchar , type_text ,
  type_date , type_time , type_blob , type_null ,
 Enumeration type of all supported builtin data types. More...
enum struct  database_type {
  type_char = 0 , type_float , type_double , type_smallint ,
  type_int , type_bigint , type_bool , type_char_pointer ,
  type_varchar , type_text , type_date , type_time ,
  type_blob , type_null , type_unknown
 Enumeration of database data types. More...
enum class  cascade_type {
  NONE = 0 , REMOVE = 1 , UPDATE = 2 , INSERT = 4 ,
 Cascade types for database actions. More...
enum class  constraints : unsigned char {
  NONE = 0 , NOT_NULL = 1 << 0 , INDEX = 1 << 1 , UNIQUE = 1 << 2 ,
enum class  month : unsigned short {
  january = 1 , february , march , april ,
  may , june , july , august ,
  september , november , december


template<class T >
bool operator< (const json &a, const T &b)
template<class T >
bool operator< (const T &a, const json &b)
template<class T >
bool operator<= (const json &a, const T &b)
template<class T >
bool operator<= (const T &a, const json &b)
template<class T >
bool operator> (const json &a, const T &b)
template<class T >
bool operator> (const T &a, const json &b)
template<class T >
bool operator>= (const json &a, const T &b)
template<class T >
bool operator>= (const T &a, const json &b)
OOS_JSON_API std::string to_string (const json &j)
template<class R >
std::ostream & join (R &range, std::ostream &out, const std::string &delim)
template<class R >
std::string join (R &range, const std::string &delim)
template<class K , class V >
std::ostream & join (std::map< K, V > &range, std::ostream &out, const std::string &delim)
template<class K , class V >
std::string join (std::map< K, V > &range, const std::string &delim)
OOS_LOGGER_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, log_level lvl)
OOS_LOGGER_API std::shared_ptr< file_sinkcreate_file_sink (const std::string &logfile)
OOS_LOGGER_API std::shared_ptr< stderr_sinkcreate_stderr_sink ()
OOS_LOGGER_API std::shared_ptr< stdout_sinkcreate_stdout_sink ()
OOS_LOGGER_API std::shared_ptr< rotating_file_sinkcreate_rotating_file_sink (const std::string &logfile, size_t max_size, size_t file_count)
OOS_LOGGER_API void default_min_log_level (log_level min_lvl)
OOS_LOGGER_API void default_max_log_level (log_level max_lvl)
OOS_LOGGER_API void domain_min_log_level (const std::string &name, log_level min_lvl)
OOS_LOGGER_API void domain_max_log_level (const std::string &name, log_level max_lvl)
OOS_LOGGER_API void add_log_sink (sink_ptr sink)
OOS_LOGGER_API void add_log_sink (sink_ptr sink, const std::string &domain)
OOS_LOGGER_API void clear_all_log_sinks ()
OOS_LOGGER_API void clear_all_log_sinks (const std::string &domain)
OOS_LOGGER_API logger create_logger (std::string source)
OOS_LOGGER_API logger create_logger (std::string source, const std::string &domain)
OOS_LOGGER_API void log_default (log_level lvl, const std::string &source, const char *message)
template<typename... ARGS>
void log (log_level lvl, const std::string &source, const char *what, ARGS const &... args)
event_type operator| (event_type a, event_type b)
event_type operator& (event_type a, event_type b)
event_type operator~ (event_type a)
event_type operator^ (event_type a, event_type b)
event_typeoperator|= (event_type &a, event_type b)
event_typeoperator&= (event_type &a, event_type b)
event_typeoperator^= (event_type &a, event_type b)
bool is_event_type_set (event_type source, event_type needle)
bool is_valid_socket (socket_type fd)
template<typename O , class T >
bool set (O *obj, const std::string &name, const T &val)
template<typename O , class T >
bool append (O *obj, const std::string &name, const T &val)
template<typename O , class T >
bool remove (O *obj, const std::string &name, const T &val)
template<typename O , class T >
bool set (O &obj, const std::string &name, const T &val)
template<typename O , class T >
bool append (O &obj, const std::string &name, const T &val)
template<typename O , class T >
bool remove (O &obj, const std::string &name, const T &val)
template<typename O >
bool set (O &obj, const std::string &name, const char *val)
template<typename O , class T >
bool get (const O &obj, const std::string &name, T &val)
template<typename O >
bool get (const O &obj, const std::string &name, char *val, size_t size)
template<typename O , class T >
bool get (const O &obj, const std::string &name, T &val, size_t precision)
template<class R , class O >
variable< R > make_var (R(O::*mem_func)() const)
 Create a variable with depth zero.
template<class R , class O , class O1 >
variable< R > make_var (O1(O::*mem_func)() const, R(O1::object_type::*mem_func_1)() const)
 Create a variable with depth one.
template<class R , class O , class O1 , class O2 >
variable< R > make_var (O1(O::*mem_func)() const, O2(O1::object_type::*mem_func_1)() const, R(O2::object_type::*mem_func_2)() const)
 Create a variable with depth two.
template<class R , class O , class O1 , class O2 , class O3 >
variable< R > make_var (O1(O::*mem_func)() const, O2(O1::object_type::*mem_func_1)() const, O3(O2::object_type::*mem_func_2)() const, R(O3::object_type::*mem_func_3)() const)
 Create a variable with depth two.
t_build_options operator| (t_build_options a, t_build_options b)
t_build_options operator|= (t_build_options &a, t_build_options b)
t_build_options operator& (t_build_options a, t_build_options b)
bool is_build_options_set (t_build_options source, t_build_options needle)
column operator""_col (const char *name, size_t len)
std::shared_ptr< columnmake_column (const std::string &name, const field_attributes &attr=null_attributes, const matador::any &val={})
std::shared_ptr< columnmake_column (const std::string &name, data_type type, size_t index, const field_attributes &attr=null_attributes)
template<typename Type >
std::shared_ptr< columnmake_column (const std::string &name, const field_attributes &attr=null_attributes)
template<typename Type >
std::shared_ptr< columnmake_column (const std::string &name, const Type &val, const field_attributes &attr=null_attributes)
std::shared_ptr< columnmake_column (const std::string &name, data_type type, const matador::any &val, t_build_options options, size_t index, const field_attributes &attr=null_attributes)
template<typename Type >
std::shared_ptr< columnmake_pk_column (const std::string &name, size_t max_size=0)
std::shared_ptr< columnmake_pk_column< std::string > (const std::string &name, size_t max_size)
std::shared_ptr< columnmake_pk_column (const std::string &name, data_type type, size_t index, size_t max_size=0)
std::shared_ptr< columnmake_null_column (const std::string &name, const field_attributes &attr)
template<class V >
condition< column, std::initializer_list< V > > in (const matador::column &col, std::initializer_list< V > args)
 Creates an IN condition for a given column and a list of values.
condition< column, detail::basic_queryin (const matador::column &col, detail::basic_query &q)
 Creates an IN condition for a given column and a query to be executed.
template<class T >
condition< column, std::pair< T, T > > between (const matador::column &col, T low, T high)
 Creates a between condition.
condition< column, std::string > like (const matador::column &col, const std::string &val)
 Creates a like condition.
template<class T >
condition< column, T > operator== (const column &col, T val)
 Condition equality operator for a column and a value.
condition< column, detail::basic_queryequals (const column &col, detail::basic_query &q)
 Condition equality method for a column and a query.
template<class T >
condition< column, T > operator!= (const column &col, T val)
 Condition unequality operator for a column and a value.
template<class T >
condition< column, T > operator< (const column &col, T val)
 Condition less operator for a column and a value.
template<class T >
condition< column, T > operator<= (const column &col, T val)
 Condition less or equal operator for a column and a value.
template<class T >
condition< column, T > operator> (const column &col, T val)
 Condition greater operator for a column and a value.
template<class T >
condition< column, T > operator>= (const column &col, T val)
 Condition greater or equal operator for a column and a value.
template<class L1 , class R1 , class L2 , class R2 >
condition< condition< L1, R1 >, condition< L2, R2 > > operator&& (const condition< L1, R1 > &l, const condition< L2, R2 > &r)
 AND operation condition consisting of a left and right hand condition.
template<class L1 , class R1 , class L2 , class R2 >
condition< condition< L1, R1 >, condition< L2, R2 > > operator|| (const condition< L1, R1 > &l, const condition< L2, R2 > &r)
 OR operation condition consisting of a left and right hand condition.
template<class L , class R >
condition< condition< L, R >, void > operator! (const condition< L, R > &c)
 Negates a given condition.
template<class L , class R >
std::shared_ptr< detail::basic_condition > make_condition (const condition< L, R > &cond)
 Creates a shared condition from a given condition object.
template<class T >
query< T > select (const std::string &table)
 Creates a select query for type T.
query< rowselect (columns cols)
 Creates a query for given columns.
template<class InputIterator , class Function , class Predicate >
Function for_each_if (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, Predicate pred, Function f)
 Applies a function if element is valid with given predicate.
template<class InputIterator , class Function , class T >
Function for_each_equal (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const T &value, Function f)
 Applies a function if element is equal to the given value.
template<class B , class D >
const B * base_class (const D *derived)
 Safely casts a given derived class to its base class.
template<class B , class D >
B * base_class (D *derived)
 Safely casts a given derived class to its base class.
template<class T >
identifier< T > make_identifier (T val)
cascade_type operator~ (cascade_type a)
cascade_type operator| (cascade_type a, cascade_type b)
cascade_type operator& (cascade_type a, cascade_type b)
cascade_type operator^ (cascade_type a, cascade_type b)
cascade_typeoperator|= (cascade_type &a, cascade_type b)
cascade_typeoperator&= (cascade_type &a, cascade_type b)
cascade_typeoperator^= (cascade_type &a, cascade_type b)
constraints operator| (constraints a, constraints b)
constraints operator& (constraints a, constraints b)
bool is_constraint_set (constraints source, constraints needle)
OOS_UTILS_API std::string read_as_text (const file &f)
OOS_UTILS_API std::string hmac (const std::string &key, const std::string &message)
OOS_UTILS_API std::string hmac (const char *key, size_t keylen, const char *message, size_t msglen)
const detail::nullopt_t nullopt ((detail::nullopt_t::init()))
template<typename T , typename U >
bool operator== (optional< T > const &x, optional< U > const &y)
template<typename T , typename U >
bool operator!= (optional< T > const &x, optional< U > const &y)
template<typename T , typename U >
bool operator< (optional< T > const &x, optional< U > const &y)
template<typename T , typename U >
bool operator> (optional< T > const &x, optional< U > const &y)
template<typename T , typename U >
bool operator<= (optional< T > const &x, optional< U > const &y)
template<typename T , typename U >
bool operator>= (optional< T > const &x, optional< U > const &y)
template<typename T >
bool operator== (optional< T > const &x, detail::nullopt_t)
template<typename T >
bool operator== (detail::nullopt_t, optional< T > const &x)
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (optional< T > const &x, detail::nullopt_t)
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (detail::nullopt_t, optional< T > const &x)
template<typename T >
optional< T > make_optional (const T &v)
template<class T , template< class ... > class C, class Allocator = std::allocator<T>>
stream< T > make_stream (C< T, Allocator > &&container)
template<typename T >
stream< T > make_stream (T &&from, T &&to)
template<typename T >
stream< T > make_stream (std::initializer_list< T > elems)
template<typename T >
stream< T > make_stream_counter (T &&from)
template<typename T , typename U >
stream< T > make_stream (T &&from, T &&to, const U &increment)
template<typename T , typename U >
stream< T > make_stream_counter (T &&from, const U &increment)
template<class T , template< class ... > class C, class Allocator >
stream< T > make_stream (const C< T, Allocator > &container)
template<class T , template< class U=T > class C>
stream< T > make_stream (C< T > &&container)
OOS_UTILS_API size_t split (const std::string &str, char delim, std::vector< std::string > &values)
OOS_UTILS_API size_t split (const std::string &str, char delim, std::list< std::string > &values)
OOS_UTILS_API std::string trim (const std::string &str, const std::string &whitespace=" \t")
OOS_UTILS_API void replace_all (std::string &in, const std::string &from, const std::string &to)
OOS_UTILS_API std::string to_string (const matador::time &x, const char *format=time_format::ISO8601)
OOS_UTILS_API std::string to_string (const matador::date &x, const char *format=date_format::ISO8601)
template<class T >
std::string to_string (T x, size_t precision=0, typename std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point< T >::value >::type *=0)
OOS_UTILS_API const char * skip_ws (const char *str)
OOS_UTILS_API bool is_eos (char c)
OOS_UTILS_API std::size_t acquire_thread_index (std::thread::id id)
OOS_UTILS_API void localtime (const time_t &in, struct tm &out)
OOS_UTILS_API void gmtime (const time_t &in, struct tm &out)
OOS_UTILS_API size_t strftime (char *buffer, size_t size, const char *format, const time_info &ti)
OOS_UTILS_API void gettimeofday (time_info &ti)


const field_attributes null_attributes {}

Detailed Description

The Open Object Store namespace.

This is the namespace where all OOS related classes, function and code should be put into.

Typedef Documentation

◆ action_ptr

typedef std::shared_ptr<action> matador::action_ptr

Shortcut to an action shared pointer

◆ sequencer_impl_ptr

typedef std::shared_ptr<sequencer_impl> matador::sequencer_impl_ptr

Shortcut for sequencer implementation pointer

◆ sink_ptr

using matador::sink_ptr = typedef std::shared_ptr<log_sink>

Shortcut to log sink shared pointer

◆ t_action_vector

typedef std::vector<action_ptr> matador::t_action_vector

Shortcut to a vector of action shared pointer

◆ token_list_t

typedef std::list<token_ptr> matador::token_list_t

Shortcut to a list of token shared pointer

◆ token_ptr

typedef std::shared_ptr<detail::token> matador::token_ptr

Shortcut to a token shared pointer

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ cascade_type

enum class matador::cascade_type

Cascade types for database actions.


Cascade type none


Cascade type remove


Cascade type update


Cascade type insert


Cascade type all

◆ data_type

enum struct matador::data_type

Enumeration type of all supported builtin data types.


Data type char


Data type short


Data type int


Data type long


Data type long long


Data type unsigned char


Data type unsigned short


Data type unsigned int


Data type unsigned long


Data type unsigned long long


Data type float


Data type double


Data type bool


Data type character pointer


Data type varchar


Data type text


Data type date


Data type time


Data type blob


Data type null


Data type unknown

◆ database_type

enum struct matador::database_type

Enumeration of database data types.


Data type char


Data type float


Data type double


Data type small int


Data type integer


Data type big integer


Data type bool


Data type character pointer


Data type varchar


Data type text


Data type date


Data type time


Data type blob


Data type null


Data type unknown

◆ event_type

enum class matador::event_type : unsigned

Enum representing an event processing mask for the reactor io dispatcher. The mask values can be bitwise combined and are used to check if a handler (

See also
handler.hpp) is able to read, write or accept.

Enum value for no event


Enum value for read mask


Enum value for write mask


Enum value for except mask


Enum value for timeout mask


Enum value for accept mask


Enum value for read write mask


Enum value for all events mask

◆ log_level

enum class matador::log_level

Represents all available log levels


If a serious error occurred use FATAL level


On error use ERROR level


Warnings should use WARN level


Information should go with INFO level


Debug output should use DEBUG level


Trace information should use TRACE level


This level represents all log levels and should be used for logging

◆ protocol_family

Enum representing the protocol family IPv4 and IPv6


IPv4 enum value


IPv6 enum value

◆ t_query_command

enum struct matador::t_query_command

Enumeration of query command types


Unknown query command


Create query command


Drop query command


Select query command


Insert query command


Update query command


Remove query command

Function Documentation

◆ acquire_thread_index()

OOS_UTILS_API std::size_t matador::acquire_thread_index ( std::thread::id  id)

Returns the current unique number for the given thread id.

idThread id for which a unique is acquired.
The thread number.

◆ add_log_sink() [1/2]

OOS_LOGGER_API void matador::add_log_sink ( sink_ptr  sink)

Adds a log sink to the default log domain

sinkThe log sink to add

◆ add_log_sink() [2/2]

OOS_LOGGER_API void matador::add_log_sink ( sink_ptr  sink,
const std::string &  domain 

Adds a log sink to the log domain with the given name. If the domain doesn't exists it is created.

sinkThe log sink to add
domainThe log domain name to add

◆ append() [1/2]

template<typename O , class T >
bool matador::append ( O &  obj,
const std::string &  name,
const T &  val 

Appends a value to an object member identified by the given name. The object is passed by reference. If the operation succeeds true is returned.

Template Parameters
OThe object for which the value should be appended.
TThe type of the value to be appended.
objThe object reference to append the value to.
nameThe name of the member variable.
valThe value to append.
True if the operation succeeds.

◆ append() [2/2]

template<typename O , class T >
bool matador::append ( O *  obj,
const std::string &  name,
const T &  val 

Appends a value to an object member identified by the given name. The object is passed as pointer. If the operation succeeds true is returned.

Template Parameters
OThe object for which the value should be appended.
TThe type of the value to be appended.
objThe object pointer to append the value to.
nameThe name of the member variable.
valThe value to append.
True if the operation succeeds.

◆ base_class() [1/2]

template<class B , class D >
const B * matador::base_class ( const D *  derived)

Safely casts a given derived class to its base class.

Template Parameters
BThe base class type
DThe class type of the derived class
derivedThe derived object
The casted object

◆ base_class() [2/2]

template<class B , class D >
B * matador::base_class ( D *  derived)

Safely casts a given derived class to its base class.

Template Parameters
BThe base class type
DThe class type of the derived class
derivedThe derived object
The casted object

◆ between()

template<class T >
condition< column, std::pair< T, T > > matador::between ( const matador::column col,

Creates a between condition.

Creates a between condition for the given column with the given range consisting of a low and high value

Template Parameters
TThe type of the column and range
colThe column for the between condition
lowThe low value of the range
highThe high value of the range
The condition object

◆ clear_all_log_sinks() [1/2]

OOS_LOGGER_API void matador::clear_all_log_sinks ( )

Removes all sinks from the default domain

◆ clear_all_log_sinks() [2/2]

OOS_LOGGER_API void matador::clear_all_log_sinks ( const std::string &  domain)

Removes all sinks from the log domain with given domain name

domainDomain name to clear all sinks

◆ create_file_sink()

OOS_LOGGER_API std::shared_ptr< file_sink > matador::create_file_sink ( const std::string &  logfile)

Shortcut to create a file log sink with the given path. If the path doesn't exists it is created.

logfilePath to the logfile
A shared_ptr to the file_sink

◆ create_logger() [1/2]

OOS_LOGGER_API logger matador::create_logger ( std::string  source)

Creates a logger with the given source name connected to the default log domain.

sourceThe name of the source
The logger instance

◆ create_logger() [2/2]

OOS_LOGGER_API logger matador::create_logger ( std::string  source,
const std::string &  domain 

Creates a logger with the given source name connected to the log domain with the given name. If the domain doesn't exists it is created

sourceThe name of the source
domainThe name of the log domain
The logger instance

◆ create_rotating_file_sink()

OOS_LOGGER_API std::shared_ptr< rotating_file_sink > matador::create_rotating_file_sink ( const std::string &  logfile,
size_t  max_size,
size_t  file_count 

Shortcut to create a rotating file log sink with the given path, max log files and max log file size. If the path doesn't exists it is created.

logfilePath to the log file
max_sizeMax log file size
file_countMax number of log files
A shared_ptr to the rotating_file_sink

◆ create_stderr_sink()

OOS_LOGGER_API std::shared_ptr< stderr_sink > matador::create_stderr_sink ( )

Shortcut to create a stderr log sink.

A shared_ptr to the stderr_sink

◆ create_stdout_sink()

OOS_LOGGER_API std::shared_ptr< stdout_sink > matador::create_stdout_sink ( )

Shortcut to create a stdout log sink.

A shared_ptr to the stdout_sink

◆ default_max_log_level()

OOS_LOGGER_API void matador::default_max_log_level ( log_level  max_lvl)

Sets the default max log level.

max_lvlDefault max log level

◆ default_min_log_level()

OOS_LOGGER_API void matador::default_min_log_level ( log_level  min_lvl)

Sets the default min log level.

min_lvlDefault min log level

◆ domain_max_log_level()

OOS_LOGGER_API void matador::domain_max_log_level ( const std::string &  name,
log_level  max_lvl 

Sets the default max log level for the domain with the given name.

nameLog domain name
max_lvlDefault max log level

◆ domain_min_log_level()

OOS_LOGGER_API void matador::domain_min_log_level ( const std::string &  name,
log_level  min_lvl 

Sets the domain min log level for the domain with the given name.

nameLog domain name
min_lvlDefault min log level

◆ equals()

condition< column, detail::basic_query > matador::equals ( const column col,
detail::basic_query q 

Condition equality method for a column and a query.

Creates a condition object of a column and a query checked on equality.

colThe column object
qThe query to compare with
The condition object representing the equality operation

◆ for_each_equal()

template<class InputIterator , class Function , class T >
Function matador::for_each_equal ( InputIterator  first,
InputIterator  last,
const T &  value,
Function  f 

Applies a function if element is equal to the given value.

Applies given function for each element in the sequence if the element is equal to the given value,

Template Parameters
InputIteratorType of iterator to iterate with.
FunctionType of the function to call.
firstThe initial iterator containing the starting position for the range.
lastThe final iterator containing the ending position for the range.
valueThe value to compare with.
fThe function called with each element which is equal to the value.
The called function.

◆ for_each_if()

template<class InputIterator , class Function , class Predicate >
Function matador::for_each_if ( InputIterator  first,
InputIterator  last,
Predicate  pred,
Function  f 

Applies a function if element is valid with given predicate.

Applies given function for each element in the sequence which returns true when called with the predicate,

Template Parameters
InputIteratorType of iterator to iterate with.
FunctionType of the function to call.
PredicateFunction or class which must be called with the element
firstThe initial iterator containing the starting position for the range.
lastThe final iterator containing the ending position for the range.
predThe predicate called with each element
fThe function called with each element which returned true with the predicate.
The called function.

◆ get() [1/3]

template<typename O >
bool matador::get ( const O &  obj,
const std::string &  name,
char *  val,
size_t  size 

Gets the value of a member identified by the given name into a character array. If the operation succeeds true is returned.

Template Parameters
OThe object for which the value should be get.
objThe object to get the value from.
nameThe name of the member variable.
valThe pointer to a character array.
sizeThe size of the character array.
True if the operation succeeds.

◆ get() [2/3]

template<typename O , class T >
bool matador::get ( const O &  obj,
const std::string &  name,
T &  val 

Gets the value of a member identified by the given name. If the operation succeeds true is returned.

Template Parameters
OThe object for which the value should be get.
TThe type of the value to retrieve.
objThe object to get the value from.
nameThe name of the member variable.
valThe reference where the value is assigned to.
True if the operation succeeds.

◆ get() [3/3]

template<typename O , class T >
bool matador::get ( const O &  obj,
const std::string &  name,
T &  val,
size_t  precision 

Gets the value of a member identified by the given name. If the operation succeeds true is returned.

Template Parameters
OThe object for which the value should be get.
TThe type of the value to retrieve.
objThe object to get the value from.
nameThe name of the member variable.
valThe reference where the value is assigned to.
precisionThe precision of the value to get.
True if the operation succeeds.

◆ gettimeofday()

OOS_UTILS_API void matador::gettimeofday ( time_info &  ti)

Multi platform version of gettimeofday

tpTimeval struct where the result ist stored
Returns 0 on success

◆ gmtime()

OOS_UTILS_API void matador::gmtime ( const time_t &  in,
struct tm &  out 

Multi platform version of gmtime

intime_t value to be converted
outconverted value

◆ hmac() [1/2]

OOS_UTILS_API std::string matador::hmac ( const char *  key,
size_t  keylen,
const char *  message,
size_t  msglen 

Encodes the given string message with the given key and returns the encoded string.

keyKey to be used for encoding.
keylenLength of the key.
messageMessage to be encoded.
msglenLength of the message.
The encoded message.

◆ hmac() [2/2]

OOS_UTILS_API std::string matador::hmac ( const std::string &  key,
const std::string &  message 

Encodes the given string message with the given key and returns the encoded string.

keyKey to be used for encoding.
messageMessage to be encoded.
The encoded message.

◆ in() [1/2]

condition< column, detail::basic_query > matador::in ( const matador::column col,
detail::basic_query q 

Creates an IN condition for a given column and a query to be executed.

colThe column to compare
qThe query to be executes as sub select
The condition object

◆ in() [2/2]

template<class V >
condition< column, std::initializer_list< V > > matador::in ( const matador::column col,
std::initializer_list< V >  args 

Creates an IN condition for a given column and a list of values.

Template Parameters
VThe type of the list arguments
colThe column to compare
argsThe list of values
The condition object

◆ is_eos()

OOS_UTILS_API bool matador::is_eos ( char  c)

Checks if the given character is end of string.

cCharacter to check
True if character is end of string

◆ is_event_type_set()

bool matador::is_event_type_set ( event_type  source,
event_type  needle 

Checks if a specific event_type is set in a given event type mask. If type is set true is returned.

sourceEvent type mask to check.
needleRequested event type
True if event type is set

◆ join() [1/4]

template<class R >
std::string matador::join ( R &  range,
const std::string &  delim 

Joins a range of elements as string within a list with a given delimiter and writes it to the given stream

Template Parameters
RType og the range (e.g. map, list, vector, etc)
rangeThe range with the elements to join
delimThe delimiter for the elements
The ostream reference

◆ join() [2/4]

template<class R >
std::ostream & matador::join ( R &  range,
std::ostream &  out,
const std::string &  delim 

Joins a range of elements as string within a list with a given delimiter and writes it to the given stream

Template Parameters
RType of the range (e.g. map, list, vector, etc)
rangeThe range with the elements to join
outThe stream to write on
delimThe delimiter for the elements
The ostream reference

◆ join() [3/4]

template<class K , class V >
std::string matador::join ( std::map< K, V > &  range,
const std::string &  delim 

Joins a map of key value pairs as string within a list with a given delimiter and writes it to the given stream.

The key value pairs will be written in a json style: ("key": value)

Template Parameters
KType of key
VType of value
rangeThe range with the elemets to join
delimThe delimiter for the elements
The ostream reference

◆ join() [4/4]

template<class K , class V >
std::ostream & matador::join ( std::map< K, V > &  range,
std::ostream &  out,
const std::string &  delim 

Joins a map of key value pairs as string within a list with a given delimiter and writes it to the given stream.

The key value pairs will be written in a json style: ("key": value)

Template Parameters
KType of key
VType of value
rangeThe range with the elemets to join
outThe stream to write on
delimThe delimiter for the elements
The ostream reference

◆ like()

condition< column, std::string > matador::like ( const matador::column col,
const std::string &  val 

Creates a like condition.

Creates a like condition for the given column and the given value string.

colThe column for the like condition
valThe value to the like operator
The like condition object

◆ localtime()

OOS_UTILS_API void matador::localtime ( const time_t &  in,
struct tm &  out 

Multi platform version of localtime

intime_t value to be converted
outconverted value

◆ log()

template<typename... ARGS>
void matador::log ( log_level  lvl,
const std::string &  source,
const char *  what,
ARGS const &...  args 

Log the given message with source and log level to the default domain. The message will be created from the what argument and the args while the preprocessed message uses the printf style to add the arguments.

Template Parameters
ARGSType of the arguments
lvlLog level
sourceSource of the log message
whatThe printf style message
argsThe arguments for the message

◆ log_default()

OOS_LOGGER_API void matador::log_default ( log_level  lvl,
const std::string &  source,
const char *  message 

Logs the given message for the given source and log level to the default log domain.

lvlLog level
sourceSource of the log message
messageMessage to log

◆ make_condition()

template<class L , class R >
std::shared_ptr< detail::basic_condition > matador::make_condition ( const condition< L, R > &  cond)

Creates a shared condition from a given condition object.

Template Parameters
LThe left hand type of the condition
RThe right hand type of the condition
condThe condition to be copied
A shared condition pointer representing the given condition

◆ make_identifier()

template<class T >
identifier< T > matador::make_identifier ( val)

Creates an identifier object from the given value

Template Parameters
TType of the value
valThe primary key value
The created identifier

◆ make_optional()

template<typename T >
optional< T > matador::make_optional ( const T &  v)

Creates an optional from the given value.

Template Parameters
TType of optional value
vValue for optional
The created optional.

◆ make_stream() [1/6]

template<class T , template< class U=T > class C>
stream< T > matador::make_stream ( C< T > &&  container)

Creates a stream from the given moved container.

Template Parameters
TType of the elements in the container
CType of the container
containerThe container
Stream ready to iterate over the elements of the container

◆ make_stream() [2/6]

template<class T , template< class ... > class C, class Allocator = std::allocator<T>>
stream< T > matador::make_stream ( C< T, Allocator > &&  container)

Creates a new stream of the given container.

Template Parameters
TType of the stream elements
CType of the container
AllocatorType of the allocator
containerContainer to create the stream from
The created stream

◆ make_stream() [3/6]

template<class T , template< class ... > class C, class Allocator >
stream< T > matador::make_stream ( const C< T, Allocator > &  container)

Creates a stream from the given container

Template Parameters
TType of the elements in the container
CType of the container
AllocatorType of the allocator class
containerThe container
Stream ready to iterate over the elements of the container

◆ make_stream() [4/6]

template<typename T >
stream< T > matador::make_stream ( std::initializer_list< T >  elems)

Creates a stream fro an initializer list of elements

Template Parameters
TType of elements
elemsElements to create the stream from
The created stream

◆ make_stream() [5/6]

template<typename T >
stream< T > matador::make_stream ( T &&  from,
T &&  to 

Creates a stream of given begin an end iterator.

Template Parameters
TType of the iterator
frombegin iterator
toend iterator
The created stream

◆ make_stream() [6/6]

template<typename T , typename U >
stream< T > matador::make_stream ( T &&  from,
T &&  to,
const U &  increment 

Creates a stream range given limits from and to and an incrementing value. Once the to value is reached or exceeded the stream is finished.

Template Parameters
TType of elements
UType of increment value
fromStarting value of stream
toClosing value of stream
incrementIncrementing value
The created stream

◆ make_stream_counter() [1/2]

template<typename T >
stream< T > matador::make_stream_counter ( T &&  from)

Creates a continuing stream source of type T. Value of T is increased with the ++ operator so T must provide this operator.

Template Parameters
TType of elements
fromStarting value of elements
The created stream

◆ make_stream_counter() [2/2]

template<typename T , typename U >
stream< T > matador::make_stream_counter ( T &&  from,
const U &  increment 

Creates a continuing stream source of type T beginning with from and incremented by the given incrementing value.

Template Parameters
TType of elements
UType of increment value
fromStarting value of elements
incrementIncrementing value
The created stream

◆ make_var() [1/4]

template<class R , class O , class O1 , class O2 , class O3 >
variable< R > matador::make_var ( O1(O::*)() const  mem_func,
O2(O1::object_type::*)() const  mem_func_1,
O3(O2::object_type::*)() const  mem_func_2,
R(O3::object_type::*)() const  mem_func_3 

Create a variable with depth two.

Template Parameters
RThe return value type
OThe proxy serializable type
O1The nested serializable type
O2The nested serializable type
O3The nested serializable type

Creates a variable with depth one. That means that a value of a nested serializable is requested.

mem_funcA member function of the object_type.
mem_func_1A member function of the nested object_type.
mem_func_2A member function of the nested object_type.
mem_func_3A member function of the nested object_type.
A variable with return type R.

◆ make_var() [2/4]

template<class R , class O , class O1 , class O2 >
variable< R > matador::make_var ( O1(O::*)() const  mem_func,
O2(O1::object_type::*)() const  mem_func_1,
R(O2::object_type::*)() const  mem_func_2 

Create a variable with depth two.

Template Parameters
RThe return value type
OThe proxy serializable type
O1The nested serializable type
O2The nested serializable type

Creates a variable with depth one. That means that a value of a nested serializable is requested.

mem_funcA member function of the object_type.
mem_func_1A member function of the nested object_type.
mem_func_2A member function of the nested object_type.
A variable with return type R.

◆ make_var() [3/4]

template<class R , class O , class O1 >
variable< R > matador::make_var ( O1(O::*)() const  mem_func,
R(O1::object_type::*)() const  mem_func_1 

Create a variable with depth one.

Template Parameters
RThe return value type
OThe proxy serializable type
O1The serializable type

Creates a variable with depth one. That means that a value of a nested serializable is requested.

mem_funcA member function of the object_type.
mem_func_1A member function of the nested object_type.
A variable with return type R.

◆ make_var() [4/4]

template<class R , class O >
variable< R > matador::make_var ( R(O::*)() const  mem_func)

Create a variable with depth zero.

Template Parameters
RThe return value type
OThe serializable type

Creates a variable with depth zero. That means that the value is inside the serializable itself.

mem_funcA member function of the object_type.
A variable with return type R.

◆ nullopt()

const detail::nullopt_t matador::nullopt ( (detail::nullopt_t::init())  )

Null value for optionals

◆ operator!()

template<class L , class R >
condition< condition< L, R >, void > matador::operator! ( const condition< L, R > &  c)

Negates a given condition.

Template Parameters
LThe left hand type of the condition
RThe right hand type of the condition
cThe condition to negated
An condition object representing the NOT operation

◆ operator!=() [1/4]

template<class T >
condition< column, T > matador::operator!= ( const column col,

Condition unequality operator for a column and a value.

Creates a condition condition object of a column and a value checked on unequality.

Template Parameters
TThe type of the value
colThe column object
valThe value to compare with
The condition object representing the unequality operation

◆ operator!=() [2/4]

template<typename T >
bool matador::operator!= ( detail::nullopt_t  ,
optional< T > const &  x 

Not equal to null value for optionals

Template Parameters
TType of right optional
xRight optional to compare
True if optional is not null

◆ operator!=() [3/4]

template<typename T >
bool matador::operator!= ( optional< T > const &  x,

Not equal to null value for optionals

Template Parameters
TType of left optional
xLeft optional to compare
True if optional is not null

◆ operator!=() [4/4]

template<typename T , typename U >
bool matador::operator!= ( optional< T > const &  x,
optional< U > const &  y 

Not equal compare operator for optionals.

Template Parameters
TType of left optional
UType of right optional
xLeft optional to compare
yRight optional to compare
True if optional are not equal

◆ operator""_col()

column matador::operator""_col ( const char *  name,
size_t  len 

User defined literal to have a shortcut creating a column object

nameName of the column
lenLength of the column name
A column object with given name

◆ operator&()

event_type matador::operator& ( event_type  a,
event_type  b 

event_type operator to concat to event types with and operator

aLeft event_type
bRight event_type
The combined result

◆ operator&&()

template<class L1 , class R1 , class L2 , class R2 >
condition< condition< L1, R1 >, condition< L2, R2 > > matador::operator&& ( const condition< L1, R1 > &  l,
const condition< L2, R2 > &  r 

AND operation condition consisting of a left and right hand condition.

Template Parameters
L1Left hand type of left hand condition
R1Right hand type of left hand condition
L2Left hand type of right hand condition
R2Right hand type of right hand condition
lLeft hand condition
rRight hand condition
An condition object representing the AND operation

◆ operator&=()

event_type & matador::operator&= ( event_type a,
event_type  b 

event_type operator to assign event type with and operator

aLeft event_type
bRight event_type
The combined result

◆ operator<() [1/4]

template<class T >
condition< column, T > matador::operator< ( const column col,

Condition less operator for a column and a value.

Creates a condition object checking if the value of the given column is less than the given value.

Template Parameters
TThe type of the value
colThe column object
valThe value to compare with
The condition object representing the less operation

◆ operator<() [2/4]

template<class T >
bool matador::operator< ( const json a,
const T &  b 

Less operator with a json value with a scalar value

Template Parameters
TType of the scalar value
aThe json value to compare
bThe scalar value to compare
True if the json value is less than the scalar value

◆ operator<() [3/4]

template<class T >
bool matador::operator< ( const T &  a,
const json b 

Less operator with a scalar value with a json value

Template Parameters
TType of the scalar value
aThe scalar value to compare
bThe json value to compare
True if the scalar value is less than the json value

◆ operator<() [4/4]

template<typename T , typename U >
bool matador::operator< ( optional< T > const &  x,
optional< U > const &  y 

Less operator for optionals

Template Parameters
TType of left optional
UType of right optional
xLeft optional to compare
yRight optional to compare
True if left optional is less than right optional

◆ operator<<()

OOS_LOGGER_API std::ostream & matador::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
log_level  lvl 

Write log level in human readable string to a given std::ostream.

osstd::stream to write to
lvlLog level to write
The std::ostream

◆ operator<=() [1/4]

template<class T >
condition< column, T > matador::operator<= ( const column col,

Condition less or equal operator for a column and a value.

Creates a condition object checking if the value of the given column is less or equal than the given value.

Template Parameters
TThe type of the value
colThe column object
valThe value to compare with
The condition object representing the less or equal operation

◆ operator<=() [2/4]

template<class T >
bool matador::operator<= ( const json a,
const T &  b 

Less or equal to operator with a json value with a scalar value

Template Parameters
TType of the scalar value
aThe json value to compare
bThe scalar value to compare
True if the json value is less or equal to than the scalar value

◆ operator<=() [3/4]

template<class T >
bool matador::operator<= ( const T &  a,
const json b 

Less or equal to operator with a scalar value with a json value

Template Parameters
TType of the scalar value
aThe scalar value to compare
bThe json value to compare
True if the scalar value is less or equal to than the json value

◆ operator<=() [4/4]

template<typename T , typename U >
bool matador::operator<= ( optional< T > const &  x,
optional< U > const &  y 

Less equal operator for optionals

Template Parameters
TType of left optional
UType of right optional
xLeft optional to compare
yRight optional to compare
True if left optional is less equal than right optional

◆ operator==() [1/4]

template<class T >
condition< column, T > matador::operator== ( const column col,

Condition equality operator for a column and a value.

Creates a condition object of a column and a value checked on equality.

Template Parameters
TThe type of the value
colThe column object
valThe value to compare with
The condition object representing the equality operation

◆ operator==() [2/4]

template<typename T >
bool matador::operator== ( detail::nullopt_t  ,
optional< T > const &  x 

Equal to null value for optionals

Template Parameters
TType of right optional
xRight optional to compare
True if optional is null

◆ operator==() [3/4]

template<typename T >
bool matador::operator== ( optional< T > const &  x,

Equal to null value for optionals

Template Parameters
TType of left optional
xLeft optional to compare
True if optional is null

◆ operator==() [4/4]

template<typename T , typename U >
bool matador::operator== ( optional< T > const &  x,
optional< U > const &  y 

Equal compare operator for optionals.

Template Parameters
TType of left optional
UType of right optional
xLeft optional to compare
yRight optional to compare
True if optional are equal

◆ operator>() [1/4]

template<class T >
condition< column, T > matador::operator> ( const column col,

Condition greater operator for a column and a value.

Creates a condition object checking if the value of the given column is greater than the given value.

Template Parameters
TThe type of the value
colThe column object
valThe value to compare with
The condition object representing the greater operation

◆ operator>() [2/4]

template<class T >
bool matador::operator> ( const json a,
const T &  b 

Greater operator with a json value with a scalar value

Template Parameters
TType of the scalar value
aThe json value to compare
bThe scalar value to compare
True if the json value is greater than the scalar value

◆ operator>() [3/4]

template<class T >
bool matador::operator> ( const T &  a,
const json b 

Greater operator with a scalar value with a json value

Template Parameters
TType of the scalar value
aThe scalar value to compare
bThe json value to compare
True if the scalar value is greater than the json value

◆ operator>() [4/4]

template<typename T , typename U >
bool matador::operator> ( optional< T > const &  x,
optional< U > const &  y 

Greater operator for optionals

Template Parameters
TType of left optional
UType of right optional
xLeft optional to compare
yRight optional to compare
True if left optional is greater than right optional

◆ operator>=() [1/4]

template<class T >
condition< column, T > matador::operator>= ( const column col,

Condition greater or equal operator for a column and a value.

Creates a condition object checking if the value of the given column is greater or equal than the given value.

Template Parameters
TThe type of the value
colThe column object
valThe value to compare with
The condition object representing the greater or equal operation

◆ operator>=() [2/4]

template<class T >
bool matador::operator>= ( const json a,
const T &  b 

Greater or equal to operator with a json value with a scalar value

Template Parameters
TType of the scalar value
aThe json value to compare
bThe scalar value to compare
True if the json value is greater or equal to than the scalar value

◆ operator>=() [3/4]

template<class T >
bool matador::operator>= ( const T &  a,
const json b 

Greater or equal to operator with a scalar value with a json value

Template Parameters
TType of the scalar value
aThe scalar value to compare
bThe json value to compare
True if the scalar value is greater or equal to than the json value

◆ operator>=() [4/4]

template<typename T , typename U >
bool matador::operator>= ( optional< T > const &  x,
optional< U > const &  y 

Greater equal operator for optionals

Template Parameters
TType of left optional
UType of right optional
xLeft optional to compare
yRight optional to compare
True if left optional is greater equal than right optional

◆ operator^()

event_type matador::operator^ ( event_type  a,
event_type  b 

event_type operator to concat to event types with xor operator

aLeft event_type
bRight event_type
The combined result

◆ operator^=()

event_type & matador::operator^= ( event_type a,
event_type  b 

event_type operator to assign event type with xor operator

aLeft event_type
bRight event_type
The combined result

◆ operator|()

event_type matador::operator| ( event_type  a,
event_type  b 

event_type operator to concat to event types with or operator

aLeft event_type
bRight event_type
The combined result

◆ operator|=()

event_type & matador::operator|= ( event_type a,
event_type  b 

event_type operator to assign event type with or operator

aLeft event_type
bRight event_type
The combined result

◆ operator||()

template<class L1 , class R1 , class L2 , class R2 >
condition< condition< L1, R1 >, condition< L2, R2 > > matador::operator|| ( const condition< L1, R1 > &  l,
const condition< L2, R2 > &  r 

OR operation condition consisting of a left and right hand condition.

Template Parameters
L1Left hand type of left hand condition
R1Right hand type of left hand condition
L2Left hand type of right hand condition
R2Right hand type of right hand condition
lLeft hand condition
rRight hand condition
An condition object representing the OR operation

◆ operator~()

event_type matador::operator~ ( event_type  a)

event_type not operator

aLeft event_type
The combined result

◆ read_as_text()

OOS_UTILS_API std::string matador::read_as_text ( const file f)

Reads a given file as text and returns its content as string

fFile to read in
The content of the file as string

◆ remove() [1/2]

template<typename O , class T >
bool matador::remove ( O &  obj,
const std::string &  name,
const T &  val 

Removes a value from an object member container identified by the given name. The object is passed by reference. If the operation succeeds true is returned.

Template Parameters
OThe object for which the value should be removed.
TThe type of the value to be removed.
objThe object reference to remove the value from.
nameThe name of the member variable.
valThe value to remove.
True if the operation succeeds.

◆ remove() [2/2]

template<typename O , class T >
bool matador::remove ( O *  obj,
const std::string &  name,
const T &  val 

Removes a value from an object member container identified by the given name. The object is passed as pointer. If the operation succeeds true is returned.

Template Parameters
OThe object for which the value should be removed.
TThe type of the value to be removed.
objThe object pointer to remove the value from.
nameThe name of the member variable.
valThe value to remove.
True if the operation succeeds.

◆ replace_all()

OOS_UTILS_API void matador::replace_all ( std::string &  in,
const std::string &  from,
const std::string &  to 

Replaces all occurrences of string from in given string with string to.

inSource string where the replacement takes place
fromThe string to be replaced
toThe new string

◆ select() [1/2]

query< row > matador::select ( columns  cols)

Creates a query for given columns.

colsThe rows to select
A select query for anonymous rows.

◆ select() [2/2]

template<class T >
query< T > matador::select ( const std::string &  table)

Creates a select query for type T.

Template Parameters
TThe type of the query.
tableThe table name
A select query for type T.

◆ set() [1/3]

template<typename O >
bool matador::set ( O &  obj,
const std::string &  name,
const char *  val 

Sets string value of a member identified by the given name. The value is passed as a character array. If the operation succeeds true is returned.

Template Parameters
OThe object for which the value should be set.
objThe object to set the value into.
nameThe name of the member variable.
valPointer to the character array containing the new string value
True if the operation succeeds.

◆ set() [2/3]

template<typename O , class T >
bool matador::set ( O &  obj,
const std::string &  name,
const T &  val 

Sets a value of an object member identified by the given name. The object is passed by reference. If the operation succeeds true is returned.

Template Parameters
OThe object for which the value should be set.
TThe type of the value to set.
objThe object reference to set the value into.
nameThe name of the member variable.
valThe new value for the member.
True if the operation succeeds.

◆ set() [3/3]

template<typename O , class T >
bool matador::set ( O *  obj,
const std::string &  name,
const T &  val 

Sets a value of an object member identified by the given name. The object is passed as a pointer. If the operation succeeds true is returned.

Template Parameters
OThe object for which the value should be set.
TThe type of the value to set.
objThe pointer object to set the value into.
nameThe name of the member variable.
valThe new value for the member.
True if the operation succeeds.

◆ skip_ws()

OOS_UTILS_API const char * matador::skip_ws ( const char *  str)

Skip all whitespace characters (tab, spaces, etc.) for the given string and return the new position

strString to skip whitespace characters in
First non whitespace positon of string

◆ split() [1/2]

OOS_UTILS_API size_t matador::split ( const std::string &  str,
char  delim,
std::list< std::string > &  values 

Splits a string by a delimiter and add the string tokens to a list. The size of the list is returned.

strThe string to split.
delimThe delimiter character.
valuesThe result list.
The size of the list.

◆ split() [2/2]

OOS_UTILS_API size_t matador::split ( const std::string &  str,
char  delim,
std::vector< std::string > &  values 

Splits a string by a delimiter and add the string tokens to a vector. The size of the vector is returned.

strThe string to split.
delimThe delimiter character.
valuesThe result vector.
The size of the vector.

◆ strftime()

OOS_UTILS_API size_t matador::strftime ( char *  buffer,
size_t  size,
const char *  format,
const time_info &  ti 

Formats a given timeval struct as a string within the given buffer. It is possible to format the string with fractional seconds using the format token 'f'.

bufferBuffer to write the time string to
sizeSize of the buffer
formatFormat of the time string
tvtimeval struct containing the time to format
The length of the buffer string

◆ to_string() [1/4]

OOS_JSON_API std::string matador::to_string ( const json j)

Converts a json object into a string.

jJson object to convert
The string representation of the json object

◆ to_string() [2/4]

OOS_UTILS_API std::string matador::to_string ( const matador::date x,
const char *  format = date_format::ISO8601 

Converts a date object with a given format to a string

xDate object to convert.
formatThe format string

◆ to_string() [3/4]

OOS_UTILS_API std::string matador::to_string ( const matador::time x,
const char *  format = time_format::ISO8601 

Converts a time object with a given format to a string

xTime object to convert.
formatThe format string

◆ to_string() [4/4]

template<class T >
std::string matador::to_string ( x,
size_t  precision = 0,
typename std::enable_if< std::is_floating_point< T >::value >::type *  = 0 

Convert any floating point values into a string with a given precision.

Template Parameters
TThe floating point type
xThe value to be converted.
precisionThe precision to use for converting
The floating point value as string

◆ trim()

std::string matador::trim ( const std::string &  str,
const std::string &  whitespace = " \t" 

Trims a string by removing leading and trailing characters The default characters are spaces and tabs

strThe string to be trimmed
whitespaceThe trimming characters
the trimmed string