►Nmatador | The Open Object Store namespace |
►Ndetail | Detail namespace of the open object store |
Cbasic_query | Base class for all query implementations |
Cidentifier_binder | |
Crelation_endpoint | |
Crelation_endpoint_value_inserter | |
Crelation_endpoint_value_remover | |
Cacceptor | |
Caddress | |
Cany | Simple any class |
Cany_visitor | An any visitor class |
Cbad_optional_access | |
Cbase64 | Base64 encode and decode class |
Cbasic_container | |
Cbasic_dialect | Abstract base class for a concrete sql dialect |
Cbasic_file_sink | A base class for file stream based sinks |
Cbasic_identifier | |
Cbasic_json_mapper | A base class for all kind of json mapping |
Cbasic_object_store_observer | |
Cbasic_sql_logger | Base class for sql logging |
Cbasic_table | Base class for kind of tables |
Cbuffer | |
Cbuffer_view | Cursor based string buffer |
Ccolumn | Represents a database column |
Ccolumns | Represents a list of database columns |
Ccondition< column, detail::basic_query > | Condition class representing an IN condition |
Ccondition< column, std::initializer_list< V > > | Condition class representing an IN condition |
Ccondition< column, std::pair< T, T > > | Between condition |
Ccondition< condition< L, R >, void > | Logical unary condition |
Ccondition< condition< L1, R1 >, condition< L2, R2 > > | Logical binary condition |
Cconnection | Connection to a database |
Cconnection_info | |
Cconnector | |
Cconst_container_iterator | Represents a const has many iterator |
Cconst_json_iterator | An iterator for json array and objects |
Cconst_tree_iterator | |
Cconst_tree_iterator_base | |
Cconst_tree_leaf_iterator | |
Cconst_tree_sibling_iterator | |
Cconst_tree_subtree_iterator | |
Ccontainer | Has many relation class using a std::vector as container |
Ccontainer_iterator | Represents a has many iterator |
Cdata_type_traits | Type traits for database types |
Cdatabase_error | Thrown by db backend containing all available error information's |
Cdate | This class provides simple date representation |
Cdate_format | |
Cdialect_traits | |
►Cfactory | A generic factory class |
Cdefault_producer | Default producer class for factory |
Cproducer_base | Base producer class for factory |
Cfdset | |
Cfield | Describes a database column field |
Cfield_attributes | |
Cfile | |
Cfile_sink | A file sink writeing log message to one file |
Cgeneric_json_parser | Parses a json string providing callbacks for json syntax |
Chandler | |
Chtml | |
Cidentifiable_holder | |
Cidentifier | |
Cio_service | |
Cio_stream | |
Cjson | This class represents either a json value an object or an array |
Cjson_exception | Exception representing json errors |
Cjson_format | |
Cjson_iterator | An iterator for json array and objects |
Cjson_mapper | |
Cjson_object_mapper | |
Cjson_parser | Parse a json formatted stream or string |
Cleader_follower_thread_pool | |
Clibrary | Helps to load and unload external libraries |
Clog_domain | Connection to a set of log sinks |
Clog_manager | Manages all log domains |
Clog_sink | Base class for all log sinks |
Clogger | Logger to write log messages to log domains |
Cnull_sql_logger | |
Cnull_type_t | |
Cobject_exception | An serializable exception class |
Cobject_holder | Base class for the object pointer and reference class |
Cobject_ptr | The object_ptr holds a pointer to an serializable |
Cobject_store | A class that stores all kind of objects |
Cobject_view | Create a view for a concrete serializable type |
Coptional | |
Cpeer_base | |
Cpersistence | Represents the persistence layer for a database and an object_store |
Cprototype_node | Holds the prototype of a concrete serializable |
Cquery | Creates a SQL query |
Creactor | Implementation of the reactor pattern |
Cresult | Represents a sql query result |
Crotating_file_sink | A rotating log file sink |
Crow | Row representation |
►Cschema | |
Ctable_info | |
Cselect_fdsets | |
Csequencer | Interface to create and get unique sequence numbers |
Cserializer | A base class to serialize objects |
Csession | Represents a session to a database |
Csingleton | Provides only one instance of a type |
Csocket_acceptor | |
Csocket_base | |
Csocket_stream | |
Csql_exception | An serializable exception class |
Csql_logger | |
Cstatement | |
Cstderr_sink | Log sink writing to stderr |
Cstdout_sink | Log sink writing to stdout |
Cstream | |
Cstream_handler | |
Cstring_cursor | |
Ctable | |
Ctable< T, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_base_of< basic_has_many_to_many_item, T >::value >::type > | Represents a database table |
Ctcp | |
►Ctest_suite | The container for all unit tests |
Csummary | Holds the summary result of the executed tests |
Ctest_suite_args | |
Ctest_unit_args | |
Cthread_pool | |
Ctime | Simple time class with milliseconds |
Ctime_format | |
►Ctransaction | This class provides the transaction mechanism |
Cobserver | Interface to an transaction observer |
Ctree | A STL like tree class |
Ctree_iterator | |
Ctree_iterator_base | |
Ctree_leaf_iterator | |
Ctree_sibling_iterator | |
Ctree_subtree_iterator | |
Ctype_traits | |
Ctype_traits< object_ptr< ObjectType > > | |
Ctype_traits< varchar< Size > > | |
Ctyped_object_store_observer | Base class for typed object observer classes |
Cudp | |
Cunit_exception | Unit exception class thrown on a unit test assert definition |
Cunit_test | A unit_test consists of serveral tests |
Cvalue_type_traits | |
Cvalue_type_traits< Type, typename std::enable_if< is_builtin< Type >::value >::type > | |
Cvalue_type_traits< Type, typename std::enable_if<!is_builtin< Type >::value >::type > | |
Cvarchar | |
Cvariable | Holds the functor to a method |
Cversion | |