

The following documentation will give you an overview over the Open Object Store API. It will show you all main components of the library so that you can start building your own application with it.

OOS provides one container for all your objects. It let you access and filter your objects. Relation between object are tracked automatically. And with sessions and transactions you can persist your data.

All classes are inside the namespace oos. I tried to give the library the look and feel of the STL so that it can interact with it easily.

As you will learn you must derive all your objects from a base object (oos::object). This object provide a couple of methods and some functionality important to the oos::object_store.

  • unique id: Each object gets a unique id independent of its type. The oos::object_store manages these ids and use them to identify each object. By now this id is used as the primary key.
  • modify method: When modifying an attribute you have to use oos::object::modify. By calling this method the oos::object_store can keep track of the changes made to an object.
  • serialize methods: You have to overwrite the serialize methods oos::object::serialize and oos::object::deserialize to give the oos::object_store the opportunity to know, read and write all attributes. And don't forget to call serialize and deserialize methods of the base class!

Now lets start...
